Monday 18 March 2013

Sniper ghost warrior 2

So guys Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 is finally here after that not so successfull first game City Interactive set them selves a task to make a better more successfull game and i feel they have done well after the first game being buggy slow and frankly quite boring the second game has been imprvoed greatly visuals are beautiful and gameplay is just so much better not to say the game is perfect as it still needs some work but i will get to the negatives later.
Okay so the posotives of this game the graphics have been improved ALOT the Sniping now feels real or as real as we would expect the Ai has been improved but still needs work i will get to why later, the multiplayer is good fun nice balanced maps but still some server problems not sure if in game or host? Next thing they have improved is the story now im not the first game didnt have a good story but it wasnt great the story in SGW2 is alot better and drops you right in to the action, also in the story the stealth aspect has been fixed well kind of but that kinda falls under the Ai more than stealth.

Okay so now on to negatives The AI are still quite well... stupid your spotter who you follow on most mission and sometimes directs you, seems to lead you into almost sudden death i have found my slef many a time following only a few feet away from him crouched in a ghillie suit in bushes almost getting caught becuase the Team and enemy ai are not to a high standard now this problem is minimal and easily passable with a tiny bit more of checking where your team mate walks and who can see him. Next problem i have found a total of about 3 glitches in the campaign which had to be fixed with a load game 1st the enemy ai was just stood there unarmed and not moving took no damage and didnt see me standing in front of them. 2nd is a minor grapics glitch when i was on the 1st mission i was walking through a river and the water just dissapeared and i was walking through nothing but yeah like i said minimal and the 3rd was i spawned with no weapons after dying but that only took a checkpoint restart.

Okay so my overall thoughts i would give this game an overall 7.5/10 as it still needs work but is worth the money the campaign i would give 7/10 and multi a 8/10 as it is great fun when you get into a busy server of good snipers.
So that was my first review and comment what you think about the game and agree and disagree on.
Atelier -

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